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Approved providers, services, nominated supervisors and educators are responsible to understand their obligations and operate according to the National Law, or the State Act for residual services.
Our Compliance and enforcement policy details our approach to compliance and enforcement and the regulatory tools we use to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of children.
Read the Compliance and enforcement policy
Notifications by providers and services
Providers and services are required to notify the Education Standards Board about certain incidents and changes in circumstances.
The types of circumstances that requires notification and legislative timeframes are set out on the website of the national regulatory authority, ACECQA.
Most applications can be submitted online via the National Quality Agenda IT System (NQAITS).
Learn more about when to report a serious incident and what to include in a serious incident notification.
Monitoring visits and investigations
We use a risk-based approach to encourage compliance and detect non-compliance.
We prioritise responding to and investigating complaints and incidents that fall within the regulatory priority areas, while continuing to respond to individual instances of non-compliance or emerging trends.
View the Monitoring and compliance visits fact sheet
Register of compliance action
The Education Standards Board publishes compliance and enforcement information.