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In this list, the National Law SA (below) means the Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia). National Regulations means the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
Oasis Community Children’s Centre
Approved provider name: PR-00006263 Oasis Community Children’s Centre Inc
Address: 27 Ann Street, SALISBURY, SA, 5108
Date of action: 26/02/2025
Type of action: Compliance Notice issued pursuant to s 177 of the National Law
Details of action: The A/Manager, Compliance & Investigations – DELEGATE OF THE EDUCATION STANDARDS BOARD, issued the approved provider with a compliance notice in relation to failing to comply with provisions of the National Law and Regulations. The matters giving rise to the compliance notice being issued include:
- Protection of children from harm and hazards pursuant to s 167 of the National Law
- Premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair pursuant to r 103 of the National Regulations.