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Operational teams
The Education Standards Board is supported by five operational teams who undertake regulatory work on behalf of the board.
Regulatory Operations
This team works across all aspects of ESB’s regulatory operations. It is comprised of the Intake and Assessment, School Registration Services, Data and Analytics, and Education and Guidance teams.
Intake and Assessment officers also have a role in assessing provider and service applications under the National Quality Framework (NQF) and in supporting the work of the Quality Assurance and Compliance and Investigation teams.
The School Registration Services team registers and reviews schools and maintains the Schools Register. The team recommends schools for registration on the CRICOS; monitors schools’ compliance under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and registers student exchange organisations.
Officers in the Data and Analytics and Education and Guidance teams provide information services to help enhance ESB’s customer service, and to support continuous improvement efforts for internal and external stakeholders.
Quality Assessment
The Quality Assessment team is responsible for coordinating and undertaking regulatory activities associated with assessing applications and notifications, facilitating the assessment and rating of service quality under the National Quality Framework and completing monitoring activity.
The team also provides consistent education and guidance to support regulated parties in achieving and maintaining compliance with their legislative obligations.
Compliance and Investigation
The Compliance and Investigation team proactively monitors compliance and responds to notifications and complaints received under the NQF.
The team undertakes investigations and recommends statutory and administrative compliance action in response to non-compliance, in accordance with the National Law and regulatory principles and to deliver or advance regulatory outcomes.
Regulatory Reform
The Regulatory Reform team leads the overall design and implementation of a strategic program of reforms to deliver against the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care recommendations.
The team work across the whole agency to build the regulatory capacity and capability of the ESB to ensure consistency and effectiveness in regulatory practice and regulatory delivery.
Corporate Services
The Corporate Services team supports our regulatory teams and board members to execute regulatory functions.
The responsibilities of the team include financial management, human resources, information technology, records management, facilities management and general business support.
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Current vacancies
There are no current vacancies at the Education Standards Board.