Sections in this page
In this list, the National Law (below) means the Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia). National Regulations means the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
Blossom Family Day Care Scheme
Approved provider: Blossom Family Day Care Scheme Pty Ltd
Address: 85A Torrens Road, Brompton SA 5007
Date of action: 19/12/2013
Type of action: Conditions imposed on service approval pursuant to s. 55 (1) and s. 55 (2) of the National Law
Details of action: The Education Standards Board determined to impose additional conditions on service approval in relation to the service failing to comply with certain provisions of the National Law.
Conditions imposed:
- Limiting the number of educators that can be employed, engaged by, or registered with the service to 20
- Requiring the nominated supervisor to be appropriately trained in the provision of child safe environments with an approved training institution approved by ACECQA
- Requiring the approved provider to provide original certification of all qualifications for all of the staff including the nominated supervisor, coordinators and educators
- Requiring the approved provider to ensure ongoing induction, training and support is provided for educators on assessing the safety of the learning environment using resources from recognised authorities
- Requiring documented evidence of the measures taken by the service to ensure that each educator takes reasonable precautions to protect children from hazards likely to cause injury.
The matters giving rise to the additional conditions on the service approval included:
- Failure to ensure the educator’s residence is hazard free and assessed for risk prior to children being enrolled for education and care
- Employment of coordinator without certificate of completion of diploma-level education and care qualification
- Employment of educator without certificate of completion of certificate III, first-aid, anaphylaxis and asthma training
- Failure to ensure ongoing support and training for employed educators
- Failure to ensure every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children being educated and cared for by the service from harm and from hazard likely to cause injury.