Changes to OSHC qualifications
28 June 2024
Changes have been made to the Education and Care Services National Regulations regarding outside school hours care (OSHC) approved qualifications in South Australia.
A two-tier qualification requirement came into effect in SA OSHC services from 10 May 2024.
This means:
- At least one educator (present at all times the service is operating) must hold an approved diploma qualification (or higher) as listed by ACECQA for South Australia.
- Any additional educators required to be qualified can hold a certificate III level qualification (or higher) in education, care or disability.
- A 50% completion of a diploma in education, care or disability will be considered equivalent to a certificate III.
- One qualified educator is still required for every 30 children.
- The educator to child ratio is unchanged. There must be a minimum educator-to-child ratio of 1:15 for school aged children and there must be a minimum educator-to-child ration of 1:11 for preschool age children.
- All previously listed qualifications for South Australian OSHC services continue to be recognised.
- OSHC services can still include unqualified educators as per the current arrangements.
The  qualifications specific to South Australia are listed on the ACECQA website.