New ESB Strategic Plan 2024-27
The Education Standards Board (ESB) is committed to a contemporary approach to regulating education and early childhood services, to support the best interests of children and young people, their families and our other stakeholders. Our 2024-27 Strategic Plan was formally approved in late August 2024.
Our new strategic plan builds on the work we have been doing and embeds the Objects of the Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Act 2011 and our statutory functions. It recognises the need for high standards of conduct and competence and the ESB's role in taking proportionate risk-based action when potential risks to children's safety, health and wellbeing are identified.
When considering the strategic priorities and what success will look like for the ESB, we considered:
- our vision, mission, role and purpose
- our values, objectives and regulatory approach
- our organisational priorities and deliverables
- the need for evaluation and accountability.
With these aspects in mind, our strategic priorities are to:
- engage with the sector to improve our regulatory role
- monitor quality and compliance, and target poor performance
- enable willing regulated parties to improve compliance and quality
- build the capacity of our people and drive continue improvement.
Our strategic plan and what it outlines is not just a one-time deliverable. The plan is a living document that is designed to move with us, and challenge both our providers and the ESB to reach greater heights. We are building a culture and mindset of continuous improvement with a mission to improve our regulatory practice.
The 2024-27 Education Standards Board Strategic Plan is available to read on our website.