NQF Q3 Snapshot - South Australia
19 December 2024
Every quarter, the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) releases a snapshot on how the sector is tracking against the National Quality Framework (NQF), including quality ratings awarded to services approved under the framework.
Data for South Australia as at 1 October 2024 reveals:
- quality areas 3 and 6 have the most services at least Meeting that National Quality Standard (NQS), with 97% rated Meeting or above
- quality areas 1 and 2 continue to have the most Working Towards ratings, with 11% of services Working Towards NQS
- quality area 5 has the most Exceeding ratings at 41%.
Across Australia, the elements that are most frequently assessed as 'not met' have remained somewhat stable. The top eight are:
- 1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle with 5% not met
- 1.3.2 Critical reflection with 4.9% not met
- 7.1.2 Management systems with 3.9% not met
- 7.2.2 Educational leadership with 3.6% not met
- 2.2.1 Supervision with 3.4% not met
- 2.1.2 Health practices and procedures with 3.3% not met
- 7.2.3 Development of professionals with 2.9% not met
- 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities with 2.5% not met.
Read the full snapshot, including other states and territories, on the ACECQA website.
You can also access the snapshot from Q2 2024.