All course costs paid by incoming students fall within one of two categories: tuition and non-tuition.
The Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2019 (Cwlth) include a definition for classes of tuition and non-tuition fees. This expands on the definition under s. 7 of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cwlth). It provides clarification to help you meet your ESOS obligations.
Calculating course duration
Primary, junior secondary and senior secondary courses are delivered to students over a year, or a number of years, so it is appropriate to calculate course duration on the basis of a 52-week period.
The course duration is linked to the Australian Qualifications Framework and does not differ between domestic and international students.
For example, to complete a course offering Years 8 to 10, the course would take three years, with a course duration of 156 weeks.