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In this list, the National Law (below) means the Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia). National Regulations means the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
Emali Early Learning Centre (Athol Park)
Approved provider: Emali Childcare Pty Ltd
Address: 13 Gateshead Street, Athol Park SA 5012
Date of action: 15/12/2014
Type of action: Compliance notice issued pursuant to s. 177 of the National Law
Details of action: The Education Standards Board issued a compliance notice in relation to the service failing to comply with the conditions on its service approval.
The matters giving rise to the compliance notice being issued included:
- Failure to provide educator records on working with children (relevant screening) checks
- Failure to ensure all staff have current working with children (relevant screening) checks
- Failure to directly supervise educators without current working with children (relevant screening) checks
- Failure to operate in a way that ensures the safety, health and wellbeing of the children being educated and cared for by the service
- Failure to ensure that the service meets the educational and developmental needs of the children being educated and cared for by the service.
The approved provider has provided evidence that they have complied with the provisions of the National Law and Regulations in relation to the compliance notice.
Fun Field Family Day Care
Approved provider: Fun Field Family Day Care
Address: 77 Leslie Street, Woodville Park SA 5011
Date of action: 29/12/2014
Type of action: Conditions imposed on service approval pursuant to s. 55(1) and s. 55(2) of the National Law
Details of action: The Education Standards Board determined to impose additional conditions on service approval in relation failure to comply with certain provisions of the National Law.
Conditions imposed:
- The service is limited by way of a condition to 35 educators.
- The service must have a ratio of 1 coordinator to 15 educators, or part thereof.
- The service is limited in its operations to South Australia.
The matters giving rise to the additional conditions on the service approval included:
- Failure to take every reasonable precaution to protect children being educated and cared for by the service from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury
- Failure to ensure that a program is delivered to all children being educated and cared for by the service that is based on an approved learning framework, and is delivered in a manner that accords with the approved learning framework and is based on the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child
- Failure to document child assessments or evaluations for the delivery of the educational program
- Providing false or misleading documents related to the list of educators
- Failure to notify certain information to the regulatory authority relating to any change to the state or territory in which the family day care service operates.
Fun Field Family Day Care
Approved provider: Fun Field Family Day Care
Address: 77 Leslie Street, Woodville Park SA 5011
Date of action: 24/11/2014
Type of action: Compliance notice issued pursuant to s. 177 of the National Law
Details of action: The Education Standards Board issued a compliance notice to the service in relation to failing to comply with certain provisions of the National Law.
The matters giving rise to the compliance notice being issued included:
- Failure to take every reasonable precaution to protect children being educated and cared for by the service from harm and from any hazard likely to cause injury
- Failure to ensure that a program is delivered to all children being educated and cared for by the service that is based on an approved learning framework, and is delivered in a manner that accords with the approved learning framework and is based on the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child
- Failure to ensure that all family day care educators keep documentation of child assessments or evaluations for the delivery of the educational program, or enrolment records relating to authorisation for excursions that relate to any child cared for, or educated at, those premises
- Failure to notify certain information to the regulatory authority relating to any change to the state or territory in which the family day care service operates.
Goodstart Early Learning Sheidow Park (Hutt Close)
Approved provider: Goodstart Early Learning Ltd
Address: PO Box 568, Cannon HIll Qld 4170
Date of action: 7/11/2014
Type of action: Compliance Notice Issued pursuant to s177 of the National Law
Details of action: The Education Standards Board issued a compliance notice in relation to the service failing to comply with the conditions on its service approval.
The matters giving rise to the compliance notice being issued included:
- Failure to provide staff records on working with children (relevant screening) checks
- Failure to ensure staff have current working with children (relevant screening) checks
- Failure to ensure appropriate supervision of children
- Failure to operate in a way that ensures the safety, health and wellbeing of the children being educated and cared for by the service
- Failure to ensure that the service meets the educational and developmental needs of the children being educated and cared for by the service.
The approved provider has provided evidence that they have complied with the provisions of the National Law and Regulations in relation to the compliance notice.
Oz Vision Family Day Care Scheme
Approved provider: OZ Vision Training Service Pty Ltd
Address: 92 Shepherdson Road, Parafield Gardens SA 5107
Date of action: 21/4/2014
Type of action: Additional conditions imposed on service approval pursuant to s. 55(1) and s. 55(2) of the National Law
Details of action: The Education Standards Board determined to impose additional conditions on service approval notice in relation to the service failing to comply with certain provisions of the National Law.
Conditions imposed:
- Limiting the number of educators that can be employed, engaged by, or registered with the service to 25
- Imposing a coordinator to educator ratio of 1:15
- Requiring the approved provider to ensure ongoing induction, training and support is provided for educators on:
- providing a required program consistent with an approved learning framework which meets the needs of each child that it educates and cares for
- assessing the safety of the learning environment using resources from recognised authorities
- maintaining appropriate records in educator’s residences, particularly enrolment and attendance records
- Requiring the approved provider to provide documented evidence each month of ongoing induction, training and support.
The matters giving rise to the additional conditions on the service approval included:
- Failure to ensure every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children being educated and cared for by the service from harm and from hazard likely to cause injury
- Failure to ensure the number of educators was limited to 25
- Failure to ensure that there was a sufficient number of co-ordinators to monitor and support the family day care educators engaged by, or registered with the service
- Failure to take reasonable steps to ensure its educators are aware of, and abide by, the requirements and obligations within its own written policies
- Failure to ensure adequate supervision of children
- Failure to ensure educators kept the required records
- Failure to ensure that a program based on an approved learning framework is delivered to each child being educated and cared for by its service.