2023-24 Annual Report
19 December 2024
The Education Standards Board 2023-24 Annual Report was tabled in parliament on 14 November 2024. The annual report was developed in accordance with the State Act and Regulations and South Australia's Premier and Cabinet Circular 'PC013 Annual Reporting Requirements'.
Our achievements this financial year include:
- performing 519 service visits within the early childhood sector to administer our legislative obligations
- undertaking 602 reviews of school registration, as required by the Act
- releasing a School Complaints Management Policy to better articulate how the agency assesses and manages school complaints in line with the Act
- increasing the percentage of services rated under the 2018 National Quality Standard from 45% to 53%
- establishing a Regulatory Roundtable as part of a broader Provider Engagement Model, to foster a more collaborative regulatory environment.
The complete ESB 2023-24 Annual Report is available on our website.