August update from the Chief Executive
This month we have been engaging with the sector through the second Regulatory Roundtable meeting and the opportunity to speak at the Family Day Care Educators Association of SA Annual General Meeting. It is a focus for us to meaningfully engage with the sector and we appreciate the opportunity to share our outlook and provide education and guidance.
We held an all-hands workshop in early August to work through our new Strategic Plan for 2024-27. The plan informs our priorities and considers how we can leverage engagement with the sector to support critical outcomes. A key part of this will include communicating with services and providers to share what we are doing and consult on our regulatory approach.
We aim to be the first point of contact for services with questions about quality and regulation. We are improving our customer service offering by moving to an online telephony system from early next month, which will allow us to link callers to the appropriate recipient and decrease call-wait times.
The Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has released their second quarterly snapshot of data relating to the National Quality Framework (NQF). The report outlines how the sector is tracking against the NQF, both nationally and on a state-level. We use this data to guide the resources we deliver and how we support regulated parties (being services and providers).
Also in this month's bulletin we examine 'Under the Roof' provisions for adequate supervision ratios and share the summary report from our July Regulatory Roundtable meeting.