December Foreword from the Acting Registrar
2024 has been a year of significant growth and change for the Education Standards Board.
We have worked to increase engagement with the sectors, with 2024 seeing the creation of our Regulatory Roundtable, made up of peak bodies and large providers within the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector. We have gained valuable insight and understanding into not only the issues that impact the sector, but also how we can better operate as a Regulator.
In May we undertook a survey of the ECEC sector and used the results to inform an action plan that sets out how we can support providers and services through education and engagement, as well as improve our practices. This survey will be undertaken again in 2026 to identify areas that have improved or other areas that may need our attention.
We have focused on providing education and resources that are useful to ECEC providers and services, with our workshop on Exceeding themes. This work will continue into 2025 with planned sessions on Assessment and Rating and eSafety.
We have committed to reforming how we regulate in response to the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care findings and recommendations. Our 2024-27 Strategic Plan and Roadmap to Regulatory Reform have set the scene for 2025 and beyond.
We have spent most of 2024 recruiting to new and existing positions that support our core functions as a regulator. We have welcomed many new Regulatory Officers and other key personnel to support achieving the Royal Commission’s recommendations and our critical outcomes.
A large focus has been on continuous improvement, we have implemented service standards and targets across the ESB, as well as implemented a new telephony platform to improve our service.
Our Board have worked tirelessly this year to support our core functions and our improvement journey, together with the Change Management Panel, we have moved forward with our reform program and been supported in implementing actions of change. I would like to thank members of the Board and Change Management Panel for their work this year.
Earlier this month, we farewelled Kerry Leaver. Kerry led the ESB through significant change and refocused the agency on delivering against our functions, to ensure that all children and young people have access to high-quality education and care in safe, well-governed and well managed services. I would like to thank Kerry for her dedication to the role and wish her all the best for the future.
Following Kerry's departure, while the Board undertake a recruitment process, the Board have asked that I act as Registrar, which is a great privilege. I look forward to continuing to support the ESB in achieving our mission of improving performance against our regulatory functions.
Our office is formally closed from Wednesday 25 December 2024 and will reopen on Monday 6 January 2025. There will be team members available during this time and can be contacted on 1800 882 413 and educationstandardsboard@sa.gov.au.
I wish you a safe and relaxing festive season with your loved ones.
Sean Heffernan
Acting Registrar
Education Standards Board