Improving our phone service
We have been working to increase our customer service capability and practice, to ensure that stakeholders' questions are being answered quickly and with a clear and informed response.
To support this, we are transitioning to a new telephony platform when you call 1800 882 413.
From this month, all incoming calls to our 1800 number will flow through this platform and give callers a direct line to the appropriate operator. This streamlined process will endeavour to have your calls answered within a two-minute time frame. If we can't answer your call at this time, you will have the opportunity to leave a voicemail. We are committed to answering your voicemail within one business day.
This is a key milestone for us as we progress our reforms following the recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care. Our goal is to position the ESB as the first point of contact for services with quality or regulatory questions.