March update from the Chief Executive
This month we welcomed five new Regulatory Officers (formally known as Authorised Officers) to the Education Standards Board (ESB) who are now undergoing a thorough induction program and will soon help increase the number of assessment and ratings we complete monthly
In addition to the recruitment of our Regulatory Officers, we have been planning further support and guidance to the sector in assessment and rating practice. I am pleased to confirm that we have engaged ACECQA to deliver four face-to-face Exceeding theme workshops in May.
The workshops will provide attendees with an overview of Exceeding themes, discussions on Exceeding theme terminology, group discussions and case studies, and will focus on how Exceeding themes lead to quality learning and development outcomes for children.
Invitees to the workshops have been selected to target those providers with services rated as Exceeding under the 2012 National Quality Standards and to try and reach as many providers as possible through inviting member associations and peak bodies.
One of the sessions will be recorded and made available for the entire sector on our website shortly after.
April will see the ESB hosting its first Regulatory Roundtable meeting on Monday 22 April. I’m really looking forward to enhancing and broadening our engagement practices with regulated parties and we will provide more information in our next newsletter.
In this month’s newsletter, you will find the ESB’s submission to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report, some tips to prevent delays in waiver applications and recommendations on digital technology practice from the recent review of Child Safety Arrangements under the NQF.