Regulatory Roundtable Report

empty boardroom

Regulatory Roundtable Report

28 August 2024

The Education Standards Board (ESB) Regulatory Roundtable held its second meeting on 23 July 2024.

The Roundtable was established to provide a forum for large providers and representative bodies to engage with the ESB on early childhood education and care regulatory matters. It also provides a forum to leverage the experience of the early childhood and care sector to support our regulatory reforms. See the Terms of Reference for more information.

Key highlights from the Roundtable are:

  • insights from the Sector Survey completed earlier this year, including the next steps as we aim to deliver a targeted action plan
  • an overview of the 2023-2024 assessment rating and performance and key outcomes
  • the introduction of a new template for Request for Information notices
  • our intention for delivery of education and guidance in 2024-25.

Read the full summary report here.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 29 October 2024.