December | 2020
Bushfire is a serious risk to life and property in many parts of South Australia. If your education and care service is in a bushfire risk area, outside of a Bushfire Safer Place, it could be at risk. This means bushfire and smoke could impact your children, staff, buildings and grounds.
Have a bushfire plan and use it
As an approved provider, you are required to prepare emergency and evacuation procedures. Base these on a risk assessment that identifies potential emergencies for the service. This is required under the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 (rr. 168, 169 and 97).
If your service has not recently done so, we recommend reviewing and updating your emergency management policies and procedures.
Where required, seek further advice or assistance from the CFS.
Department for Education schools and preschools, and services located on a Department for Education site, must follow the department’s policies and procedures for bushfire management. Catholic Education Services also apply the departmental policies and procedures.
Family day-care services sponsored by the department must develop an emergency plan in accordance with departmental advice.
Closures and notifications
On days forecast as catastrophic in certain regions, Department for Education schools and preschools in those regions will close. For more information see the Department for Education's list of high bushfire-risk schools, preschools and kindergartens.
Non-government schools and other education and care services should check if their approved provider has a policy and follow it.
It’s important to let families know in advance what plans your service or school has for extreme weather days and in the event of a disruption or emergency. The Department for Education has a new resource that will assist: Bushfire and your child’s school or preschool.
You should notify the Education Standards Board if you are closing a service.
If the closure is planned:
- use the IO1 Notification of incident form via the ACECQA National Quality Agenda IT System.
If the closure occurs as a result of emergency evacuation:
- just notify us by phone on 1800 882 413.
Stay informed
You can check the fire danger rating and monitor bushfire warnings in your area during the bushfire season by:
- checking the CFS website for Fire Danger Ratings, incidents and warnings
- checking the Bureau of Meteorology website
- calling the CFS Bushfire Information Hotline on 1800 362 361 or following CFS on Facebook or Twitter
- listening to your ABC local radio station or FIVEaa radio station.
- Alert SA Mobile App
- SA Police News.
For further information
- South Australian Country Fire Service
- South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service
- South Australian State Emergency Service
- Fire Protection Association Australia
- Bushfire and your child’s school or preschool, Department for Education
- ABC News Emergency
Contact details
Education Standards Board
Phone: 1800 882 413
Email: educationstandardsboard [at]
This fact sheet provides guidance for approved providers of education and care services to help them operate in line with the National Quality Framework. We also recommend referring directly to the legislation:
- Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Act 2011 (SA), incorporating the Education and Care Services National Law (South Australia)
- Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
- Education and Early Childhood Services (Registration and Standards) Regulations 2011 (SA).